5 Easy Plants for Kids Garden Beds: Grow, Learn, and Play!
Kids garden bed are the perfect way for children to learn about where their food comes from and explore nature. Not only do they provide an area for children to grow plants, but they also lets them to get some fresh outdoor air and discover more about plants and healthy eating habits.
Compared to gardening methods raised beds are more child friendly due, to their size making it easier for kids to manage on their own. This allows them to unleash their creativity in the soil and enjoy the learning journey of gardening.
Selecting the types of veggies is crucial too. They should not fit the beds size but also be easy to cultivate and appealing for children making the whole process more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Sunflowers are a great choice for kids garden bed. The flowers change along the path of the sun, inspiring your child's curiosity and desire to explore. Sunflowers are also relatively easy to grow; the seeds grow quickly and quickly grow into sturdy plants. Then produce edible seeds and enjoy the fulfillment of the harvest.
Planting and Growing Tips
When you plant sunflowers, in a kids garden bed make sure to select a spot. Put the seeds directly into the soil spacing them around 6 inches apart and 1 inch deep. Remember to water the seeds to keep the soil moist until they sprout, which typically happens in 7 10 days. As the plants start growing use stakes or trellises for support to prevent them from falling. It's important to thin out some of the seedlings allowing the strongest plants to flourish.
Fun Sunflower Activities
Sunflowers offer a lot of opportunities for educational activities. Kids can track plant growth count the number of seeds in a flower and even create crafts and nature prints using the petals. Harvesting seeds can be an activity as children can bake and enjoy snacks made from their homegrown produce. Consider planting varieties of sunflowers to add sizes and colors to your garden.
Radishes are an addition, to any kids garden bed. They sprout quickly in 3 4 weeks giving young gardeners a fast sense of achievement. These veggies are full of vitamins and minerals making them a healthy and crispy snack. The range of colors from purple to red adds visual appeal and encourages kids to taste this special vegetable.
How to Grow Radishes
To cultivate radishes successfully plant them in a raised wooden garden bed. Sow the seeds, about 1/2 inch deep and 1 inch apart ensuring the soil stays moist consistently. As the seedlings grow thin them out to 2 inches apart. Ensure they receive plenty of sunlight. Radishes thrive in temperatures so plan your planting time accordingly.
Harvesting and Eating Radishes
They become ripe in only 3-4 weeks after the seeds’ sowing. The radishes should be gently pulled from the soil, shaken off the dirt, and rinsed with cool water. Let the kids examine the different shapes and sizes of the radishes and then offer them to taste the vegetables directly, in pieces, or baked in the oven. Radishes can also be added to salads, sandwiches, or used as a bright and crispy topping for homemade pizza.
For children, a splash of orange color emerging from the soil can inspire curiosity and exploration. A gentle tug on the green leaves can pull out a fresh carrot. This is a very interesting experience. Carrots are high in antioxidants and vitamin C, B vitamins and more.It is a healthy snack.
Steps to Plant Carrots
Sowing carrot seeds in a raised wooden garden bed requires a bit more patience, as they can take 2-3 weeks to germinate. Scatter the small seeds over the soil, covering them with 1/4 inch of fine soil or compost. Keep the bed consistently moist until the seedlings appear. As the plants grow, thin them to 1-2 inches apart to allow the roots to develop properly.
Fun Ways to Use Carrots
Once the carrots are harvested, the fun doesn't stop! Encourage children to use their culinary creativity by roasting, juicing, or even baking with their homegrown produce. Carrot tops can be used in salads or pesto, and the roots can be incorporated into a variety of dishes, from crunchy snacks to sweet desserts. Engage the kids in the kitchen, teaching them new recipes and letting them experiment with their garden-fresh carrots.
Strawberries are the favorite of young gardeners. Thanks to their bright red color, sweet taste, and pleasant smells, most kids are eager to plant them in their garden beds. They will be delighted to see the bush that they have planted with their own hands yield the first ripe juicy berries, they can just pick and taste.
Planting Strawberries
When planting strawberries in a raised wooden garden bed, choose a sunny location and amend the soil with compost or well-decomposed manure. Set the strawberry plants 12-15 inches apart, gently burying the crowns in the soil. Water the plants regularly, and consider using straw or mulch to keep the soil moist and the berries clean.
Strawberry Harvesting and Uses
Strawberries typically bear fruit 4-6 weeks after planting. Encourage children to check the plants daily, carefully selecting the ripe, fully red berries. Discuss the importance of not pulling on the leaves or stems, as this can damage the plants. Enjoy the freshly harvested strawberries as a snack, or use them in a variety of recipes, from smoothies and pies to salads and jams.
An assortment of child-friendly vegetables such as sunflowers, radishes, carrots and strawberries can be mixed into a wooden garden bed to make an interesting educational outdoor place that will make happy those little gardeners. The practical experience of sowing, watering, and collecting these crops will teach they a love for nature (appreciation), healthy eating practices (prevention) and the pleasure that is derived from growing your own food.